Monday, May 28, 2007

S :: smile (epul always smile)
A :: attractive (epul has the charactors)
I :: imaginative (as we know)
F :: funny (caring to all people)
U :: Unassuming (as we know)
L :: Loner

for bro Jai,
Fix your thougths on what is true & good and right..think about things.That are pure and lovely..And Dwell on the fine good things in others ...Think about all,you can praise GOOD for and be glad about it.....

Thank for Bro Jai because teaching my friends and me today. I hope bro Jai will be rest and be cool in their life.I sympathy for bro Jai because today his not energy to teaching. I hope tomorrow he find...For Bro Jai,"tough times don't last.....tough people do....!"....
from me, SAIFUL...

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