Sunday, May 27, 2007


for all my friends...... today i was save and putting video clip in the blog..... u can see at below blog. video clip i already put a song;
  1. Seasons In The Sun
  2. Flying Without Wings
  3. Because You Loved Me
beside that, you all can hear or search anything song at there. To search music.... just clik at 'search music' and write what song u need. After name a song appear, choice song and clik at picture love. If u already clik the picture love.... clik back.... clik my playlist. Finally, just clik the name song.

In this blogs, we have a chat box..... i hope you all enjoy this blog........ see u later.... bye2 (",)

1 comment:

dellia said...

upppp idir...i like your stail there...hehehe...uppp sarawak guy...gayu guru gerai nyamai